STM32 Discovery Code Library
Note: The following code libraries are deprecated.
GT-CP Series Code Library
This library is written in C for IAR Embedded Workbench.
This library provides access for the base functionality of the GT-CP series modules using an STM32f4-Discovery micro-controller.
This library implements the I2C, SPI and UART interfaces to communicate with the GT-CP modules.
Update v1.1 (AUG. 9, 2018): Revised for new firmware (GT800X480A-C903PA F120b and GT480X272A-C903PA F125b) and compatibility
Code Library Demo file
This demo is written in C for IAR Embedded Workbench.
This project demonstrates how to use the Noritake_GTCP_STM32 code library for STM32f4-Discovery to store and show a color image, interpret and visually represent multi-touch data, and print characters in a user-defined window.
NOTE: This demo requires Noritake_GTCP_STM32 code library for STM32f4-Discovery. Please download the latest version before use.
Update v1.1 (JUN. 9, 2017): Added instruction manual and image files
Update v1.2 (AUG. 9, 2018): Refactored “GUTFT” to “GTCP” in demo files
GU-D Series Code Library
This library is written in C for IAR Embedded Workbench.
This library provides access for the base functionality of the GU-D series modules using an STM32f4-Discovery micro-controller.
This library implements the I2C, SPI and UART interfaces to communicate with the GU-D modules.
Code Library Demo file
This demo is written in C for IAR Embedded Workbench.
This project demonstrates how to use the Noritake_VFD_GUD900 code library for STM32f4-Discovery to store and show a bitmap image, interpret touch data, and print characters in a user-defined window.
NOTE: This demo requires Noritake_VFD_GUD900 code library for STM32f4-Discovery. Please download the latest version before use.