TFT Module
[GT-CP Series]

Support Guide

Futured Guide

  • Getting Started with [GT-CP]

    If you have just purchased a Noritake GT-CP module and are wondering where to start your evaluation, then you have come to the right place.

Touch Adjustment Information

  • Refer to this quick touch setting guide first

    Through reading this quick guide, (you can) get a brief understanding of the Touch Sensitivity Adjustment, its process, and its assumed installation condition. These are essentials to use the following documents and tools.

  • Touch Screen Sensitivity Adjustment Guide

    This guidance document is intended to help users adjust GT touch screen sensitivity parameters via Touch Setting Package Data and reach proper operation within their environment/enclosure.

  • Touch Setting Package Data Download

    A touch setting package (TSP) data file contains custom touch sensitivity values to improve GT-CP and GT-VP module touch performance in specific environmental conditions.
    [Application note | Touch Screen Sensitivity Adjustment Guide] will walk you through the steps to select, and test a touch setting package file and threshold value on a display module.

Basic Guide

  • GT-CP Application Note

    This document describes the detail of the GT-CP module including principal of the FLETAS® touch screen, case study of sensitivity adjustment, configuration of the command-set, interface example, font selection, programing example and more usable information to evaluate the module.

  • Getting Started with [GT-CP] : Connect to PC

    Please download and read the Getting Started with GT-CP: Connect to PC support document. The instructions in this document will walk you through the process of connecting your GT-CP module to a PC and saving an image to the module using the GTOMP tool.

  • Getting Started with [GT-CP] : Connect to PC

    Please download and read the Getting Started with GT-CP: Connect to PC support document. The instructions in this document will walk you through the process of connecting your GT-CP module to a PC and saving an image to the module using the GTOMP tool.

  • Getting Started with [GT-CP] : Connect to Microcontroller

    The instructions in this document will walk you through the process of interfacing your GT-CP module with an embedded controller. This document uses our GT-CP code library for MSP430™.

  • [GT-CP] Communication on Linux

    Support Guide for GT-CP Communication on Linux. This guide describes USB communication methods for the GT-CP modules using Linux:
    - Libusb.h Communication Library
    - Generic USB Drive




  • GTOMP (BETA) | New GT-CP Support Tool Suite

    GTOMP provides a quick and easy way to evaluate our GT-CP module. This application allows you to display images on GT-CP modules, write images on FROM, download touch setting package data, and create graphical user interface (GUI) prototypes. Choose from either USB or UART to communicate with any of our GT-CP displays.

  • GT-Clone

    The GT-Clone is intended for producers or integrators to transfer their final projects created with GTOMP or other software to GT-CP on a production line.

  • Msousi: Program Macro Editor Compiler

    Edit and upload macro programs to GU-3000/GT-CP displays

  • GT Packer [Deprecated]

    This tool provides the GUI to store the bitmap images to GU-TFT(GT-CP) module.
    The GT Packer merged into the memory tool of GTOMP.

  • GTO TOOL [Deprecated]

    This tool provides the GUI to evaluate and customize GU-TFT(GT-CP) module.
    The GTO TOOL merged into the design tool of GTOMP.

  • GTOP | GT-CP Support Tool Suite [Deprecated]

    This tool combines our GT-Packer and GTO TOOL into a single support tool suite, and provides a quick and easy way to evaluate our GT-CP (GU-TFT) module.
    The GTOP merged onto GTOMP.

  • GU TFT Driver [Deprecated]

    Installs a driver that allows easy communication between GU-TFT(GT series) modules and PC with USB.
    This driver is only used if the software tool can’t use a Microsoft® WinUSB driver.

  • GU-TFT Tool [Deprecated]

    This tool provides the ability to connect and evaluate the Noritake GU800X480A-C903P module with Windows PC.
    Since the GT800X480A-C903P is obsoleted, we offer the new GT-CP modules and recommend to switch the GU800X480A-C903P with the newer GT-CP module.
    We also recommend to replace this tool with the design tool of GTOMP.

Code Libraries