Series: Getting Started with GT-CP

Getting Started with GT-CP | Step 2. Install GTOMP

What is GTOMP?

GTOMP is a Microsoft Windows based application software and provides a quick and easy way to display images and text on the GT-CP series touch TFT modules. GTOMP can also store and manage the images on the GT-CP module’s onboard FROM2 memory.

System Requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 with .Net Framework 4.5
  • Serial Communication Port (USB or UART)
  • 4MB or more hard drive space

Application Setup

  1. Please download the latest version of GTOMP from our website:
  2. Please follow the “Application Setup” instructions found on the GTOMP webpage.
  3. Now, you should find the GTOMP execution file “GTOMPXXXX.exe” in the extracted location. Launch GTOMP and you will see the following:
  4. Click on the “Memory Tool” button.
  5. Select the communication interface (Port) for the connected GT-CP module.
    1. After connecting the GT-CP module to the PC with a USB cable, select “Noritake Display” from the port list shown below:
  6. When the module has successfully connected to GTOMP, the status indicator will change from “DisplayStatus” to displaying detailed information about the connected module.


* Indicates a required field

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